Why A Coated ER Collet?

Special Anti-friction Coated ER Collet

It’s been estimated that a tool with a run-out of 50% of the tool’s chip load will reduce its tool-life by 40%.

That means that a 1/8” tool with a 0.00019” chip load per tooth will lose 40% of its tool-life with a run-out of less than 0.0001”.

Excessive and inconsistent run-out from a properly setup ER collet chuck assembly typically occurs due to friction build-up between the 30° face of the collet and the collet nut.

ER Collet Chuck - Area of Friction

As the collet nut presses down and turns against the 30° face of the collet, the collet face will tend to twist with the collet nut, distorting the shape of the collet. This radial distortion negatively affects tool run-out sine the collet bore is not longer straight.


ER Collet Angle Taper

Parlec’s new  P3 ER collets have a special anti-friction coating on the 30° face that dramatically reduces friction at this critical connection.

The result?

  • Improved tool runout
  • Longer tool-life
  • Less frequent tool changes
  • Improved surface finishes

Other Parlec P3 collet advantages:

  • 3 micron T.I.R
  • Fewer slots that standard collets making them more rigid – in the cut!
  • Special slotting seal for coolant up to 2,000 PSI


Don’t throw away you ER collet chucks to improve accuracy
Try Parlec P3 collets and supercharge your ER collet system!

For help with your specific application, give the experts at Techniks Tool Group a call at (800) 803-8000 or email us at info@techniksusa.com.

Picture of Mike Eneix

Mike Eneix

Mike joined Techniks Tool Group in 2001 and launched the manufacturer’s representatives and distribution network for Techniks. Mike has served as VP of Sales since 2014 and managed the integration of Parlec’s sales and marketing teams into the Techniks Tool Group family. Mike’s extensive field experience has provided him a unique insight on manufacturing challenges and their solutions through optimized tool holding and work holding configurations across a broad range of industries.

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